Let It Snow

let it snow

So here we are in our home number two in France (but just for two days). Tomorrow will be time to reach our final destination point – house number three, Poland. I came to the conclusion that living in three places with different weather conditions is not the best idea when it comes to prepare our suitcases. However I am the lucky one because I have three wardrobes and that in final saves me a lot of time and space in my luggage. Although it is a challenge to remember in which country I left my electric blue high heels etc.!  But I have to admit this special time a year half of my suitcase is stuffed with Christmas gifts.I didn’t see the snow for last two years, so please LET IT SNOW ! Happy Holidays to everyone 😉 Photograph taken in Los Angeles, California.

L.A. Skyline on TV News

KTLAProbably those of you who fallow my fun page on Facebook know about latest news! My photograph above was emitted on KTLA evening news few days ago. I received e-mail with that information a little bit before so I could watch it. Specially this day wasn’t the best one, but finished with such a cool “news” 😉

L.A. Sky

IMG_8296 copy One of first days in L.A. I even don’t know how I got here but here I am… Thousands things to photograph and where should I start? I am addicted to many cool spaces, blue sky,  palm trees, sun, street art etc. List is way tooo long. One of the first things that caught my eye were huge wooden electric pillars (not the same style like in Malaysia!).IMG_8306 copyGigantic palm trees (from Florida), I am sure leaves touch the sky 😉IMG_8127 copyCar sellers hanging decorations and this specific noise in the air. What is the name for it?

That is for the beginning. Do not except to see here main touristic attractions, L.A. is overrated. Seriously this is it? Impress me!