Follow the Sun


Sometimes things are simple as that. I know few crazy people who could leave just like that. And I am one of them… 😉 By the way I should start to prepare my suitcases! Early morning in Praslin Island, Seychelles.

le hatchery Fashion Show





20th September, Columbus Monte-Carlo Hotel, Monaco. le hatchery Wanderlust Fashion Show in Aide of World Food Programme. Mostly back stage pictures (I was the 1st LOOK as well plus my camera played tricks on me). The rest of photographs are available on my Facebook page in album “le hatchery Wanderlust Fashion Show”. Make sure you will “like” the page, if not you will be not able to see all pictures. I have some problems with settings ;/  Feel free to copy pictures from my Facebook page. And please keep them in the original form (do not change/cut etc.) if you want to publish them on your blogs, websites, Facebook etc. Recently people use my photographs with no asking ;/ Thank you for understanding. One more time big THANK YOU to Columbus Hotel Mrs. Claudine Drollet, le hatchery,  our lovely make up artists Becky Ricci and JM Ronquillo , videographer, photographers and all models! It was a pleasure to meet you and to work with you!

Let’s Fish


This week is going to be extremely busy. Here and not only. I have more and more pictures to share with you and more and more new places to show. Be ready! Fishing boat arrival on Mahé Island, Seychelles.